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- Oil Flow Analyser
Oil Flow Analyser
KAM CONTROLS is at heart an R&D based company providing measurement solutions for producers and pipeline operators in the petroleum industry. These solutions include automatic sampling with the following:
KAM IAS Isokinetic Automatic Sampler
Laboratory oil water measurement with the KAM KF Karl Fischer Moisture Analyzer
Pipeline and production oil water measurement with the patented KAM OWD Water Cut Meter
Pipeline interface detection with the KAM OID Optical Interface Detector
Refined products quality control with the KAM CHA Colorimeter Haze Analyzer
Auto sampling with the IAS Electric Isokinetic Auto Sampler
Wide range of oil sampling with the CSS Complete sampling system
Applications within the OIl & Gas industry include: Production; Pipeline; Refinery; Transfer vehicles; Storage; Marine; Aviation and Laboratory